

What people say about us

BIRD has been my guiding beacon. The language abilities and workshops for vocational training have not only aided me in obtaining a job but also provided me with a feeling of being part of a community. I am now a positive, contributory member of my community.
Maria (Immigrant)
” BIRD’s legal services played a crucial role in my asylum procedure. I wasn’t even aware that I was about to reach my application deadline. The organization offered me timely and adequate support, safeguarding my rights. I greatly appreciate their professionalism and empathy”
Ahmed (Refugee)
“The mental health assistance at BIRD was a real game-changer.” Their counselors assisted me in overcoming the obstacles of resettlement, and I emerged empowered, prepared to confront my new life with certainty.”
Elena (Immigrant)
“BIRD’s workshops for cultural assimilation formed a connection between communities. I acquired knowledge about the customs of my new home while divulging my own. These connections have enriched my life beyond measure.”
Javier (Immigrant)
“BIRD’s vocational training transformed my future. The skills I acquired helped me find employment and become self-sufficient. I am now paving a path to success for my family.”
Amina (Refugee)
“BIRD’s financial literacy workshops empowered me to effectively manage my finances. Through their guidance, I not only achieved financial stability but also set a course towards a prosperous future. BIRD has truly changed my life for the better.”
David (Immigrant)
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