
About Us

Our Vision

We seek a society where all immigrants and refugees are empowered and fully integrated.

Our Mission

We are a non-profit organization committed to releasing immigrants and refugees from marginalization and poverty.
Through education, orientation, and empowerment, we provide individualized and holistic care so they can reach their full potential and thrive.

Our Goals

BIRD is committed to achieving the following goals:
Promoting social integration and development of immigrants and refugees.
Caring out various socio-educational activities to develop their initiative, autonomy, and self-esteem.
Providing psychosocial support to newcomers who are burdened by trauma or struggling with mental health issues.

Core values

Our core values underpin our work, driving us to create lasting change and break down the barriers that marginalize and impoverish those seeking a new life on our shores.

Collaboration and Solidarity

We achieve real change through unity, partnering with communities, governments, organizations, and like-minded individuals. These partnerships amplify our impact by working together to uplift those in need.

Dignity and Respect

Every person deserves respect, regardless of their background. We work to create a world where immigrants and refugees are welcomed without prejudice, and where their rights, contributions, and dignity are recognized and valued.

Equity and inclusion

We’re committed to an inclusive society that ensures equal opportunity. By promoting equitable policies, practices, and attitudes, we dismantle systemic barriers that perpetuate marginalization and poverty.

Diversity as Strength

Diversity enriches communities. At BIRD, we celebrate the myriad cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives that immigrants and refugees bring to the table. Embracing diversity builds bridges and creates a more connected society.

Empowerment through inclusion

Integration is the key to unlocking potential. We provide holistic tools for success, from education to mental health support, empowering immigrants and refugees to transform their lives.

Access to education and opportunity

Education empowers. We provide quality education and skills development, opening doors to economic independence and personal growth.

Transparency and Accountability

Our integrity shines through transparency in our operations, finances, and decision-making. We’re accountable to our supporters, beneficiaries, and the community at large.

Long-term sustainability

Our commitment extends to future generations. We design sustainable programs that ensure lasting impact and envision a future in which immigrants and refugees thrive.
At BIRD, these core values guide our actions, shape our programs, and inspire us to create a world where immigrants and refugees are not just recipients of compassion, but active contributors to the fabric of our society. Together, we can build a future where every individual has the opportunity to spread their wings and soar.
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